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Discovery Coffee Set

Discover the taste of four different speciality coffees. This beautiful set comes with 4 x 125g bags of coffee and includes our most loved Signature blend, Brazil Santos, Peru El Palto and Ethiopia Bonde la Ufa coffees. All presented in a beautiful craft box. You can choose the style of the coffee; whole bean, filter, cafetiere AeroPress or stove top ground during checkout.


All coffees are freshly hand roasted in small batches and stay fresh for 4 months. It includes free tracked shipping.


Signature 125g

Our Signature coffee is an espresso blend. It is medium roasted and 100% Arabica coffee. It has a smooth and creamy body with a gentle kick. From the very first sip you will feel its chocolaty and nutty flavours lingering.


Brazil Santos 125g

It is an established fact that for many roasters and coffee enthusiasts, coffee from Brazil is the base for most espresso blends. Our Brazil Santos has the characteristics of what is expected from an espresso. It is medium roasted and has a smooth and creamy body with full of flavours.


Peru El Palto 125g

Our Peruvian women powered and organic certified coffee is exceptionally delicious. It is rich in chocolate and hazelnut with a pleasing all round finish on the pallet. It is versatile and works perfectly in bean to cup espresso machines or when filtered as cafetiere or AeroPress.


Ethiopia Bonde La Ufa 125g

Coffees from Ethiopia are are well known for their complex and flavoursome characters, particularly when brewed as drip filter, aeroPress and cafetiere.

This coffee from the Sidamo region is a very aromatic and flavoursome coffee. It has a smooth and medium body and offers a pleasing sweet clean finish. It is perfect for all day sipping.

Discovery Coffee Set

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